Trellis Treadmill

750t Crane

Up to 750 tonne TRACKED BOOM TRACKING CRANE is designed for universal use and is generally used in the construction of bridges, wind farms, naval poles, and refineries. Its compact dimensions, aligned with the balance between brute force and mobility, provide high capacity in complex activities. 
It is equipment with greater vertical range, moves with suspended load and provides better distribution of ground pressure.

400t Crane

Up to 400 tonne TRACED BOOM TRACKER has a quick and simple set-up, low cost transport and HIGH CAPACITY MULTIFUNCTIONAL BOOM SYSTEM due to its hydraulically controlled variable derrick system.

This equipment has excellent vertical reach, travels with suspended load and provides better distribution of ground pressure.

250 Ton Cranes

Up to 250-tonne TRACED BOOM TRACKER CRANE combines easy mobilization and versatility, incorporating dozens of customer-suggested features around the world. Intelligent crane control system ensures accurate load handling even in restricted view construction sites.

This equipment has excellent vertical reach, travels with suspended load and provides better distribution of ground pressure.

Crane 80t e 100t

Tracked cranes with capacity up to 80 and 100 tons are available in various boom settings and lengths, easily accessing workplaces, saving money and delivering excellent productivity.