
Reachstacker 45t

Forklifts up to 45 tonnes capacity are ideal equipment for port operations and container logistics centers. They operate with containers of 20 and 40 feet (6 and 12 meters), both longitudinal and transverse, and can stack up to 5 containers in height and 3 wide and with telescopic boom of 8.3 and 15 meters.


Forklift trucks with capacity up to 16 tons have hydraulic drive through mini levers, full air suspension vinyl seat and dual wheel. Its start is with key and protection system, also featuring infinitely adjustable steering column, oil-bathed brake discs, blower fan and light kit (2 front headlights, 1 rear and two brake lights and reverse).

7 ton

Empilhadeira com capacidade para 7 ton, com altura de elevaçãode 5,40 metros, garfos padrão e garfos longos, totalizando peso da empilhadeira de 9,5 toneladas.

2,5 toneladas

Compactas e ágeis, as nossas EMPILHADEIRAS 2,5ton atendem a demanda de trabalho com versatilidade e grande produtividade.